Scooter Girl Productions

Scooter Girl Productions
Concept creator of The Vitruvian Man Energy Park of Bodega Bay

The Vitruvian Man Energy Park of Bodega Bay

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Ira Ruskin
Assembly Member
21st Assembly District
5050 El Camino Real
Suite 117
Los Altos, CA 94022
The Vitruvian Man Project
Dear Mr Ruskin,
Mark Sheikhrezai of Windation Energy Systems requested this for your lunch meeting with him on Friday. Just a brief recap of the “where, how and why” I envision with my concept of The Vitruvian Man Energy Park of Bodega Bay. The brevity here will hopefully not offend with overt simplicity; but to remind us all that simple concepts are necessary in a reemerging economy which needs a “new & improved” platform for the planet’s citizens. This economy requires leadership through thinking outside of the box. That being said, traditional banking practices will have to rely on their original purpose; and that is to invigorate moderate growth though predictable patterns of inflation/recession to help usher in a grounded and beautiful future for our worldwide economic influences and to show the world that California communities can evolve with harmony and understanding while living by example on the planet with all of its indigenous people and their glorious possibilities.
The Vitruvian Man Project is a three phase project:
The installation of one thousand (5000 watts each) vertical axis wind turbine energy units; each being ten feet tall and eight feet square installed thirty feet (30’) apart in a thirty (30) acre parcel of undeveloped land in and/or near unincorporated Sonoma County in the foothills above Bodega Bay. In addition, each unit would be topped with six (6) 200 watt (PV) solar panels. This would, in essence, be an energy farm which will generate five million plus (5,000,000 +) watts of free, useable energy that would be metered and sold directly to Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E). In turn The Vitruvian Man Energy Park would generate revenue, energy, jobs and attract visitors from around the globe to see the “art and energy” park in Bodega Bay. In addition, The Vitruvian Man Energy Park would be entitled to tax credits, energy credits, rebates, etc., which falls under the Obama Recovery Act, Sustainable Communities Act and State and Federal Energy Initiatives. Sonoma County; specifically The Vitruvian Man Energy Park will be the pride of Sonoma County. In turn, the park’s success will encourage other communities from around the country and around world to visit the park to witness the safe and free energy of wind turbine power.
The park would be essentially a southern exposure parcel of developed land currently under the protection of the California Coastal Commission. Their cooperation and support along with the recovery act combined with their infinite wisdom of protecting the coast from development that would be harmful to the environment will be easy to garner once collective minds avoid the costly delay of paralysis through analysis. What makes The Vitruvian Man Energy Park unique in all the world is this one simple fact. Each unit in combination with the other units are symmetrically placed so as to create a linear impression and replication of Leonardo da Vinci’s, The Vitruvian Man. It will be perfectly visible from any satellite passing overhead and Bodega Bay, Sonoma County and Northern California will forevermore be revered in its vision of free, sustainable energy. This image exemplifies the blend of art and science during the Renaissance and provides the perfect example of Leonardo's keen interest in proportion. In addition, this picture represents a cornerstone of Leonardo's attempts to relate man and nature. Furthering that, the logo of the The Vitruvian Man Project (designed by visionary graphic artist Brooke Laurel Denman) depicts the imagination of another great artist, Alfred Hitchcock. Hitchcock made Bodega Bay immortal in his homage to primordial fears when making his classic “The Birds, 1963” in Bodega Bay.
The third phase of The Vitruvian Man Project is to secure one thousand corporate sponsors from anywhere on the planet who desire to be a part of the “new & improved” economy by not missing out on the opportunity to show solidarity in moving forward with research, development, implementation, creation of jobs, harnessing Mother Earth’s free energy and thriving through the process of living by example and not by entitlement. This endeavor will not be difficult with your help, the help of the Federal Government, CNN, BBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, YouTube and all wire and news sources around the planet. Banks, leasing companies, investment bankers, cooperatives and many others will embrace this concept. It has been well received by PG&E and they only await the commitment to go forward.
Any thoughts or ideas on how to implement the next step would be greatly appreciated. I know you to be a man of vision. Please feel free to contact me anytime. I am available 24/7 for this project.
Robbin Michael Wagner
Writer, Director, Photographer
Bodega Bay, CA 94923
415-465-4652 Office/Cell

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